Our Mission
Founded in 1974, the Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc., (ABC) is a nonprofit organization with an international membership of over 2,000 health professionals, lay members of the community (Community Health Advocates), corporate members, and institutional members. The ABC is dedicated to eliminating the disparities related to cardiovascular disease in all people of color. Today, the ABC’s public and private partnerships continue to increase our impact in communities across the nation.
The Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc. is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Our Values
We believe that good health is the cornerstone of progress. We are firm in our resolve to make exemplary health care accessible and affordable to all, dedicated to lowering the high rate of cardiovascular disease, including stroke, in minority populations and committed to advocacy and diversity. We are guided by ethical principles in all transactions and strive for excellence in our training and skills.
Our Vision
ABC adheres to the vision that all people regardless of race, ethnicity or gender should benefit equally from reduction in the frequency, duration and impact of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Our Goals
- Create Leadership that Drives a National Agenda
- Achieve a Reduction of CVD through Awareness
- Establish Sufficient Endowment to Fund Our Programs
- Combined Federal Campaign: ABC designation #14954
- United Way National Campaign: ABC designation #9704
Take a look at a few of our accomplishments and programs. Check back soon for our new updates.
Your gift today to the Association of Black Cardiologists’ (ABC) Annual Fund has a direct effect on people in the communities at risk for the devastating effects of cardiovascular disease. The Annual Fund ensures that the ABC has the resources and talented staff members to create and execute the effective and ongoing educational, community outreach, and research programs that are making a difference in communities around the country. These are the costs of our mission that ABC cannot recoup through other funding.
A gift to the Annual Fund ensures our continued work in communities disproportionately affected by cardiovascular disease. Your support also will bring us closer to achieving our year 2020 goal of reducing the disparities gap in cardiovascular disease mortality by 20%. You can make your 100% tax deductible gift today by clicking the button below. You may also wish to consider a gift of appreciated stock as a way to support the ABC. Contact Cassandra McCullough at 800-753-9222 if you wish to make a gift of stock.
The ABC is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax deductible. You will receive an acknowledgement for tax purposes.