
5th ABC Awards Dinner, Washington, DC

October 18, 2014



  • Through the ABC, I have developed significant mentoring relationships with many prominent cardiologists throughout the nation who have helped to broaden my research focus and strengthen my clinical endeavors.

  • ABC is on the forefront of health equity. Even though I am not a black cardiologist, I feel that the mission and values of the organization are very aligned with my own and the organization is very inclusive.

  • I was successful in winning the Dr. Jay Brown Best Abstract award. This helped to foster collaborations and mentorship which have been invaluable for a junior attending.

  • The ABC has helped me to build and maintain professional relationships across numerous specialties in different institutions.

  • One of the things I like best about ABC is that they actively promote research and collaboration among its members and with other groups/institutions.


2400 N Street NW Suite 200, Washington , DC, 20037

© 2024 Association of Black Cardiologists